About Me
- Name: Buckeye
- Location: Ohio, United States
My forefather, Valentine Barr Kerr, a carpenter, came to North America 7 generations ago in the year 1760. In those days we were Pennsylvania Dutch. All of his decendents (except my mother) in line to me and including me were carpenters. After 17 years of building custom homes, at the age of 38, I changed professions from woodworking to metalworking, I now build custom signage. So far So good.
- Weights and Measures, Metric Conversion
- Pams Class Blog
- The Vigil
- Clan of the White Rhino
- Hank Williams Sr.
- Just A Thought
- The first peace, which is the most important, is t...
- Pimp gets the karate chop
- Monday
- It Only Hurts When I Laugh
- This one's for Cyber and Philly
- Divided we stand